Fresh inspiration on how to use all that indigo on your shelf......whether purchased or dyed by your own hands in a fabulous indigo dyeing workshop.
This patchwork leaf is very simply an all over same-size one-patch. It appears the fabric is cut into same size squares, then randomly sewn together. What a statement this quilt makes in its simplicity that showcases the beauty of the indigo fabric.
Photo found on Pinterest...
quilt obviously hanging on exhibit
where, when or quilt maker undetermined |
What a turned-edge patchwork delight by
Sri Threads .....oh,my!

Need more inspiration ~ When in London, go by Nudie Jeans in Soho
(as found here at WeHeart) and view these changing room drapes. I can see a shower curtain in my own home! There are also Nudie
Jean repair shops in Sweden, Munich, Barcelona, Australia New York and more.
Oh, and my very own - blogged
about here at
Marty's Fiber Musings.
Let there be no excuse - view and enjoy indigo.