
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Who's Stealing What???

Don't let  your creative energy be stolen!  This All People Quilt article "5 things that zap creative energy" was definitely worth reading and thinking about. 

Here's a brief take on who APQ posted as the worst creative stealers:
  • Enemy No. 1:  Information Overload.  Yes, you guessed it - the internet.  As inspiring as it is, the internet will become a creative enemy unless the time spent there isn't brought under control. 
  • Enemy No. 2:  Workspace Clutter.  It's difficult to be creative amidst chaos. Take time to declutter to allow creativity to be welcomed into a clean space. 
  • Enemy No. 3:  Multi-tasking.  "But I have so much on my plate!"   The key is to set aside time for each task.....and that includes time for creativity.
  • Enemy No. 4:  Your Inner Perfectionist.  Focus on enjoying the pleasure each step in the process gives rather having a perfect conclusion. 
  • Enemy No. 5:  Deadlines.  They cannot always be eliminated, but they can be foreseen.  Procrastination is the deadline enemy. 
Yes, I've paraphrased the All People Quilt article, that's why you should go there to read more about how to avoid  letting that creative energy be stolen.

This is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and confront a personal creative enemy, whether it's one of the enemies listed above or fear of failure, lack of funds, or perhaps not enough space. Do we put that enemy on stage to get all the attention? Or do we become proactive - become the director, the orchestra leader to keep the performance in line and on time for the perfect ending. 


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